Have you got hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation, dark spots, age spots, sun spots - even just the names attributed to discolouration can be confusing, nevermind working out if you’ve got them or not. In honor of our latest complexion-evening moisturiser, Overnight Glow Dark Spot Sleeping Cream, let’s take a deep-yet-digestible-dive into skin discoloration.
Defining hyperpigmentation.
To define ‘hyperpigmentation’ we must first meet Melanocytes. These cells are responsible for producing the pigment in your skin, but common factors (which we’re exposed to every day) can trigger them to release excessive amounts of pigment, for example, UV light, pollution, hormones, breakouts and inflammation.
This extra pigment rising to the surface is what causes dark spots to become visible and, regardless of which factor caused them, they all fall into the category of ‘hyperpigmentation’.